Thursday, December 18, 2008

Holiday Depression

For many of us the holidays are a joyous time filled with social gatherings and celebrations with family and friends. For others, the holidays can be a time represented by loneliness, stress over money, self-reflection, and anxiety surrounding the future. It is estimated that over one million people feel the affects of holiday depression each year.

Although causes for holiday depression are often linked directly to the holidays, many individuals may also be experiencing complex psychosocial issues that can extend beyond the holiday season. This post-holiday let down that occurs after January 1st is often the result of disappointments compounded with increases in stress and fatigue.

As stressful as the holidays can be, there are ways to get through them. During this stressful time, it is important for people to focus on taking care of themselves as well as to set manageable expectations:

  • Make time for adequate rest to have greater energy.
  • Exercise to relieve tension and increase self-esteem.
  • Keep alcohol consumption moderate during seasonal celebrations to minimize alcohol’s depressive effects.
  • Surround themselves with supportive people.
If the stresses of the holidays become overwhelming, it can be helpful to seek help from a trained mental health care professional. The practices at Wellshire are accepting new patients. For more information, visit our website at

The entire staff at Wellshire wishes you a strong and enjoyable holiday season.